Equipment Risk Management Tools


Our Consultants and Instructors

For over 30 years, The Aladon Network has helped apply Reliability Centered Maintenance in over 2000 sites across 80 countries. More than 55,000 people have attended our training courses worldwide. All instructors are certified Practitioners who have undergone the most intensive development program in the world.

Our Training Commitment

  • Learn from leaders in the application of reliability methodologies.

  • Utilize a hands-on learning approach through interaction, group exercises and mentoring.

  • Offer attendees the skills and knowledge geared to their appropriate level and role.

  • Ensure participants are empowered with the knowledge to improve equipment performance where it counts: in their own organization.

Recommended Participant

  • Maintenance Managers

  • Engineering Managers

  • Plant Managers

  • Operations Managers

  • Tradespeople

  • Operators

  • Engineers


RCM3, RBI3 and RCFA processes are fully integrated using the same risk definition and foundation. The failure modes (cause and mechanism) as defined in RCM3 become the link between the methodologies and integration in the software allows for seamless switching between the functionalities, saving time and money.

If an RCM3 analysis has not yet been done on an asset or system, the RCFA process could supply all the information needed for the RCM3 analysis. All the work done during the RCFA will be captured and used during the RCM3 analysis – no duplication and no information will be lost.

Condition Assessment


Please look under the menu toolbar and see respective webpage.

Aladon Risk-Based Inspection (RBI3™)


Please look under the menu toolbar and see respective webpage.

Aladon Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA)


Please look under the menu toolbar and see respective webpage.

Reliability Block Diagram (RBD)


Content preparation in progress.


Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)


Content preparation in progress.